IDStone B2B is an online sales environment for marble, granite and natural stone companies



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Being a natural material, each marble slab has its own unique characteristics that differentiate it from others by its tone, grain, blemishes, cracks, etc. Traditionally, to select the materials, the customers are visiting the manufacturer's warehouses in person, or the same manufacturer is sending or posting some poor quality pictures on the web. Because of these procedures, customers can only inspect the appearance of the first slab of the bundle they are going to buy, and they are not being able to verify all the pieces, slab by slab.


The problems of conventional photography

Applied to the natural stone industry, many factors are affecting the sharpness, quality and realism of the pictures taken with conventional cameras:  light reflections, human operator´s inexperience handling the camera, lighting variations due to different storage spaces, time of day when the picture is taken, etc. So, several photographs of the same slab, taken under different conditions, produce very different images with very different sharpness, quality and realism. It is therefore easy to understand the high number of complaints received in the companies because of non-compliance of the materials.

Idstone B2B: the major boost for your sales

IDStone SGA is a comprehensive system designed specifically for the industry of marble, granite and natural stone, which manages all logistical and production processes taking place in this industry. The different modules of IDStone SGA fully meet the specific needs of each company depending on the degree of complexity and automation desired.

IDStone B2B is the e-market tool of IDStone SGA. Supported by the new and advanced computer vision technology provided by IDStone Capture, IDStone B2B represents a real breakthrough to the processes of exhibition, marketing and sales of products in the natural stone industry.

Computer vision focused on sales

IDStone B2B is an online sales portal connected to IDStone Server module, the IDStone SGA´s data repository. IDStone B2B publishes on the Internet the stock, the real picture of each slab and the defining physical characteristics of the product (material, dimensions, quality, finishing, etc.). The high quality of the images that IDStone Capture stores in the data repository allows the customers to inspect the slabs one by one and with the best detail from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. IDStone B2B facilitates and streamlines the material selection processes and it also eliminates the high costs of travelling to the stores to inspect the materials in person, as traditionally were done. IDStone B2B integrates the full sales cycle, product selection and reservation processes, request for quotations, orders, etc.


Integration with your ERP

IDStone B2B includes powerful application integration tools to manage de data hand by hand with your actual working ERP System: Microsoft Dynamics NAV®, Dynamics AX®, SAP®, etc. Integration with other management or ERP systems not listed here is always possible. Please, contact us for that. We will analyze your particular system and your application integration needs.



Customize the B2B for your company needs

Decide by yourself what requirements must be met by the slabs you want to show to your customers and how do you want they will view the information, grouped by bundle or by block... Both your customers and your company can access IDStone B2B from your own corporate website if required.


Very short time ROI

Please, calculate the costs that your company would support if you had a sales team of several people working 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You’ll immediately know why IDStone B2B makes your sales resources much more profitable than before. Focus your efforts to show to your actual and potential customers the many advantages of IDStone B2B sales system. Sign up for online sales of marble, granite and natural stone products, sign up for IDStone B2B.


Loyal customers worldwide

IDStone B2B is putting your products closer to the customer and this is a high value, a great extra-reputation for your company. If there are resellers or distributors among your customers, IDStone B2B allows the sales cycle to begin before the material reaches the destination warehouses. Your resellers can download high quality slabs pictures, real-time stock and information about the products from your company and integrate them all on their own sales system. Please, ask for more information about the new module IDStone VirtualB2B that dynamically generates and manages virtual sales environments for each of your distributors or resellers. Give them this powerful sales tool and they can show all your stock, real-time, to their local customers. And without mentioning the origin of materials: your company. Everything your company needs to do is to wait for new and more frequent orders from your resellers.


Multiple languages

If your company operates in international markets, then you need the information to be displayed in different languages. IDStone B2B is multilingual capable (actually in English and Spanish). Please, ask for the location to the language you need.



If you have geographically distributed warehouses, you can give your customers real time stock information from the warehouse closest to them. IDStone B2B allows your company to filter the stock by warehouse, being also possible to set a default warehouse per customer.


IDStone B2B Portal

Access to the IDStone B2B demo portal throw next link:

Contact with us using the contact form to request a login access.


Related modules

IDStone Capture: Its exclusive imaging technology allows, at the end of the manufacturing processes, to take a high quality picture, slab by slab, and to integrate it, associated with its single inventory record, in the system.

IDStone Reader: Provides the automatic identification of the image (in association with a stock register), by decoding the bar code built on the natural stone slab from the main image or secondary image cameras that can be achieved complementary.

IDStone Quality: From the pictures of the slabs captured by IDStone Capture, this module allows the manual sorting of tables by a qualified operator from the office. It also allows the measurement of the useful area (trade measure), being this method faster, accurate and effective than the traditional classification or measure  processes in the plant.

IDStone Server: It is the engine, the “core” of IDStone SGA. It’s the environment for storing, orderly, large amounts of information and manages the communications with the other system modules.

IDStone Office: It is the easy to use user interface to access and to manage the information that the system stores. Its advanced data presentation technology allows the users to group, filter by any column or customize your views.